Pastor Bart & Elizabeth Blair

Bart and Elizabeth are the parents of three children. They have been married for over 20 years. Their heart is to live and serve in a way that people see how their personal relationship with Jesus has helped them overcome great difficulties and yet remain filled with joy and hope.

Bart is ordained in the Charis Fellowship of Churches. He has served as a pastor in two previous church plants. He also serves as a coach and consultant for churches in the areas of revitalization and digital outreach and marketing.

Church Planters

Board of Elders

  • Bart Blair Pastor Church Planter

    Bart Blair


    Bart serves Bear Creek as the Lead Church Planter and Community Pastor.

  • Jason Kanapkey

    Jason Kanapkey


    Jason serves as the Groups Pastor at Preston Trail Community Church in Frisco, TX

  • Brandon Hixon

    Brandon Hixon


    Brandon serves as the Worship Pastor at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Ennis, TX.

Biblical Truth

We seek to understand the intent of each biblical writer by using grammatical, historical, and contextual principles of interpretation, focused on Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, and oriented by grace.

We accept the absolute authority of the Bible rather than that of creeds, traditions, or leaders.

We commit to an ongoing study, understanding and application of God’s unchanging truth in our constantly changing world, whether personal, social or cultural.

We affirm that true believers put their trust in Jesus Christ and are kept forever in the saving grace of God through His promises and His power. Every believer has been eternally justified, blessed with all spiritual blessings, and set free from all condemnation.

We affirm that Jesus Christ gave the ordinances of baptism and communion to the church.

Commitments & Theology

Biblical Relationships

We affirm that the Triune God serves as the perfect and ultimate model for human relationships. As a result, each person has equal value yet different roles, which are expressed in loving unity.

We affirm that differences in gifts and ministries are a manifestation of the multifaceted grace of God. As a result, we encourage all believers to use their gifts in ways that promote the unity, growth and ministry of the local church.

We affirm our obligation to love and respect one another, and to practice the ‘one another’ exhortations. As a result, we commit to work together and to resolve our differences, for the good of individuals, churches and communities.

We affirm the responsibility of local churches to govern their own affairs while urging those churches to live and serve in community and interdependency with other churches.

Biblical Missions

We affirm that God’s plan for this age is best summarized in Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. This includes the evangelistic call to reconciliation with God by means of the completed work of Christ and the lifelong pursuit of obedience to God by means of the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit.

We affirm that God’s plan for this age includes the recognition, training and releasing of spiritually qualified and appropriately trained leaders. While the specific gifts, abilities and responsibilities of leaders may vary, all leaders must serve as servants of God, shepherds of God’s people and stewards of God’s resources.

We affirm that God’s plan for this age is most fully expressed through establishing healthy churches. Although practices may vary between cultures, healthy local churches are comprised of believers in Christ who assume a mutual commitment to worship, learning, service, prayer and witness.

Bear Creek Community Church is a part of the Charis Fellowship of Churches.

The church planting process is being guided by Assist Church Expansion, a National Organization of the Charis Fellowship

Where do you have church services?

We currently hold a Sunday morning worship gathering at the home of Bart and Elizabeth Blair. Click here to learn more.


When will you start having services?

We have not set a specific date, but our expectation is that we will launch a weekly, public service in the fall of 2024. Our current plan is to meet in homes and other flexible environments until a public venue is needed.

How can you be a church if you don’t have services?

While it is our eventual goal to launch a weekly, public service, we stand by the conviction that what makes a church is not a service, but our commitment to a few biblical practices; learning from the Bible together, worship, fellowship and loving our neighbors towards Jesus.

Are children welcome?

We absolutely welcome you and your children to be part of our gatherings. At this time, we have family integrated worship, which means the little folks hang out with the big folks. We will adjust our ministry programming to accommoate smaller children as we are able.

Are donations tax deductible?

Yes. If you give through our church planting partner, Assist Church Expansion, your gifts qualify as charitable donations. You will receive a receipt for your taxes.

How can I get involved?

Use the form below to send us a message. We’d love to chat with you about how you can fit into our community.

Contact us.

(833) 528-0579